simplifyAssertEq(x, x)
${x} = {x}$
time: 0.179000ms
stack: size: 7
  • Init
  • Prune
  • Expand
  • Prune
  • Factor
  • Prune
  • Tidy

simplifyAssertNe(x, y)
${x} \ne {y}$
time: 0.165000ms
stack: size: 7
  • Init
  • Prune
  • Expand
  • Prune
  • Factor
  • Prune
  • Tidy

GOOD time: 0.006000ms
stack: size: 0

    assert(not x:match(y))
    GOOD time: 0.006000ms
    stack: size: 0


      implicit mul by 1
      simplifyAssertAllEq({const(2):match(const(2)*W(1))}, {const(1)})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${1} = {1}$
      time: 0.663000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy

      simplifyAssertAllEq({const(2):match(const(1)*W(1))}, {const(2)})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${2} = {2}$
      ${2} = {2}$
      time: 0.471000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy
      implicit divide by 1
      simplifyAssertAllEq({const(2):match(const(2)/W(1))}, {const(1)})
      ${1} = {1}$
      lhs: 1=false
      rhs: 1=$1$
      when comparing key 1
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/Expression.lua:31: idk what this is: false
      stack traceback:
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:181: in function
      [C]: in function 'error'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/Expression.lua:31: in function 'init'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/op/Binary.lua:7: in function 'init'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/class.lua:7: in function 'eq'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:171: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:167: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
      [string "simplifyAssertAllEq({const(2):match(const(2)/..."]:1: in main chunk
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
      match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
      match.lua:6: in main chunk
      [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380 16 BAD
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: failed
      stack traceback:
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:246: in function
      [C]: in function 'error'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
      [string "simplifyAssertAllEq({const(2):match(const(2)/..."]:1: in main chunk
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
      match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
      match.lua:6: in main chunk
      [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380
      time: 0.288000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy
      implicit integer factoring
      simplifyAssertAllEq({const(4):match(const(2)*W(1))}, {const(2)})
      ${1} = {1}$
      lhs: 1=false
      rhs: 1=$2$
      when comparing key 1
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/Expression.lua:31: idk what this is: false
      stack traceback:
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:181: in function
      [C]: in function 'error'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/Expression.lua:31: in function 'init'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/op/Binary.lua:7: in function 'init'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/class.lua:7: in function 'eq'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:171: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:167: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
      [string "simplifyAssertAllEq({const(4):match(const(2)*..."]:1: in main chunk
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
      match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
      match.lua:6: in main chunk
      [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380 16 BAD
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: failed
      stack traceback:
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:246: in function
      [C]: in function 'error'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
      [string "simplifyAssertAllEq({const(4):match(const(2)*..."]:1: in main chunk
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
      [C]: in function 'xpcall'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
      match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
      /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
      match.lua:6: in main chunk
      [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380
      time: 0.298000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy


      simplifyAssertAllEq({sin(x):match(sin(W(1)))}, {x})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      time: 0.245000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy

      functions and mul mixed

      simplifyAssertAllEq({sin(2*x):match(sin(W(1)))}, {2 * x})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${{{2}} {{x}}} = {{{2}} {{x}}}$
      ${{{2}} {{x}}} = {{{2}} {{x}}}$
      time: 1.939000ms
      stack: size: 8
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • *:Tidy:apply
      • Tidy

      simplifyAssertAllEq({sin(2*x):match(sin(2 * W(1)))}, {x})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      time: 0.334000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy

      matching c*f(x) => c*sin(a*x)

      simplifyAssertAllEq({sin(2*x):match(W{1, dependsOn=x} * W{index=2, cannotDependOn=x})}, {sin(2*x), one})
      ${2} = {2}$
      ${\sin\left( {{{2}} {{x}}}\right)} = {\sin\left( {{{2}} {{x}}}\right)}$
      ${\sin\left( {{{2}} {{x}}}\right)} = {\sin\left( {{{2}} {{x}}}\right)}$
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${1} = {1}$
      time: 1.247000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy

      simplifyAssertAllEq({sin(2*x):match(sin(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x))}, {const(2)})
      ${1} = {1}$
      ${2} = {2}$
      ${2} = {2}$
      time: 0.321000ms
      stack: size: 7
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy


      simplifyAssertAllEq({x:match(W{2, cannotDependOn=x} + W{1, dependsOn=x})}, {x, zero})
      ${2} = {2}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      ${x} = {x}$
      ${0} = {0}$
      ${0} = {0}$
      time: 0.435000ms
      stack: size: 8
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Constant:Tidy:apply
      • Tidy

      simplifyAssertEq((x + y), (x + y))
      ${{x} + {y}} = {{x} + {y}}$
      time: 1.030000ms
      stack: size: 8
      • Init
      • Prune
      • Expand
      • Prune
      • +:Factor:apply
      • Factor
      • Prune
      • Tidy

      assert((x + y):match(x + y))
      GOOD time: 0.018000ms
      stack: size: 0

        add match to first term

        simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W(1) + y)}, {x})
        ${1} = {1}$
        ${x} = {x}$
        ${x} = {x}$
        time: 0.247000ms
        stack: size: 7
        • Init
        • Prune
        • Expand
        • Prune
        • Factor
        • Prune
        • Tidy

        add match to second term

        simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(x + W(1))}, {y})
        ${1} = {1}$
        ${y} = {y}$
        ${y} = {y}$
        time: 0.288000ms
        stack: size: 7
        • Init
        • Prune
        • Expand
        • Prune
        • Factor
        • Prune
        • Tidy

        change order

        simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(y + W(1))}, {x})
        ${1} = {1}$
        ${x} = {x}$
        ${x} = {x}$
        time: 0.261000ms
        stack: size: 7
        • Init
        • Prune
        • Expand
        • Prune
        • Factor
        • Prune
        • Tidy

        add match to zero, because nothing's left

        simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(x + y + W(1))}, {zero})
        ${1} = {1}$
        ${0} = {0}$
        ${0} = {0}$
        time: 0.157000ms
        stack: size: 7
        • Init
        • Prune
        • Expand
        • Prune
        • Factor
        • Prune
        • Tidy

        simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W(1))}, {x + y})
        ${1} = {1}$
        ${{x} + {y}} = {{x} + {y}}$
        ${{x} + {y}} = {{x} + {y}}$
        time: 0.948000ms
        stack: size: 8
        • Init
        • Prune
        • Expand
        • Prune
        • +:Factor:apply
        • Factor
        • Prune
        • Tidy

        doubled-up matches should only work if they match

        assert(not (x + y):match(W(1) + W(1)))
        GOOD time: 0.106000ms
        stack: size: 0

          this too, this would work only if x + x and not x + y

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + x):match(W(1) + W(1))}, {x})
          ${1} = {1}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          time: 0.120000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          this too

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + x):match(W{1, atMost=1} + W{2, atMost=1})}, {x, x})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          time: 0.185000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          this should match (x+y), 0

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W(1) + W(2))}, {x + y, zero})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${{x} + {y}} = {{x} + {y}}$
          ${{x} + {y}} = {{x} + {y}}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.688000ms
          stack: size: 8
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • +:Factor:apply
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W{1, atMost=1} + W{2, atMost=1})}, {x, y})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          time: 0.189000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          for these to work, I have to add the multi-wildcard stuff to the non-wildcard elements, handled in add.wildcardMatches

          simplifyAssertAllEq({x:match(W(1) + W(2))}, {x, zero})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.118000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({x:match(x + W(1) + W(2))}, {zero, zero})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.160000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({x:match(W(1) + x + W(2))}, {zero, zero})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.114000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W(1) + W(2))}, {x * y, zero})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
          ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.383000ms
          stack: size: 8
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • *:Tidy:apply
          • Tidy

          make sure within add.wildcardMatches we greedy-match any wildcards with 'atLeast' before assigning the rest to zero

          simplifyAssertAllEq({x:match(W(1) + W{2,atLeast=1} + W(3))}, {zero, x, zero})
          ${3} = {3}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          ${0} = {0}$
          time: 0.217000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          now we match wildcards left-to-right, so the cannot-depend-on will match first

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} + W{2, dependsOn=x})}, {y, x})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          time: 0.151000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x + y):match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x, atLeast=1} + W{2, dependsOn=x})}, {y, x})
          ${2} = {2}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          ${y} = {y}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          time: 0.168000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          same with mul

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(y * W(1))}, {x})
          ${1} = {1}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          ${x} = {x}$
          time: 0.138000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(x * y * W(1))}, {one})
          ${1} = {1}$
          ${1} = {1}$
          ${1} = {1}$
          time: 0.300000ms
          stack: size: 7
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • Tidy

          simplifyAssertAllEq({ (x * y):match(W(1))}, {x * y})
          ${1} = {1}$
          ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
          ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
          time: 0.364000ms
          stack: size: 8
          • Init
          • Prune
          • Expand
          • Prune
          • Factor
          • Prune
          • *:Tidy:apply
          • Tidy

          assert(not (x * y):match(W(1) * W(1)))
          GOOD time: 0.100000ms
          stack: size: 0

            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * x):match(W(1) * W(1))}, {x})
            ${1} = {1}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            time: 0.093000ms
            stack: size: 7
            • Init
            • Prune
            • Expand
            • Prune
            • Factor
            • Prune
            • Tidy

            verify wildcards are greedy with multiple mul matching
            the first will take all expressions, the second gets the empty set

            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W(1) * W(2))}, {x * y, one})
            ${2} = {2}$
            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
            ${1} = {1}$
            ${1} = {1}$
            time: 0.368000ms
            stack: size: 7
            • Init
            • Prune
            • Expand
            • Prune
            • Factor
            • Prune
            • Tidy

            verify 'atMost' works - since both need at least 1 entry, it will only match when each gets a separate term

            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * x):match(W{1, atMost=1} * W{2, atMost=1})}, {x, x})
            ${2} = {2}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            time: 0.181000ms
            stack: size: 7
            • Init
            • Prune
            • Expand
            • Prune
            • Factor
            • Prune
            • Tidy

            verify 'atMost' cooperates with non-atMost wildcards

            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W(1) * W{2, atLeast=1})}, {x, y})
            ${2} = {2}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${y} = {y}$
            ${y} = {y}$
            time: 0.132000ms
            stack: size: 7
            • Init
            • Prune
            • Expand
            • Prune
            • Factor
            • Prune
            • Tidy

            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W{1, atMost=1} * W{2, atMost=1})}, {x, y})
            ${2} = {2}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${x} = {x}$
            ${y} = {y}$
            ${y} = {y}$
            time: 0.151000ms
            stack: size: 7
            • Init
            • Prune
            • Expand
            • Prune
            • Factor
            • Prune
            • Tidy

            assert( not( Constant(0):match(x) ) )
            GOOD time: 0.008000ms
            stack: size: 0

              assert( not( Constant(0):match(x * y) ) )
              GOOD time: 0.013000ms
              stack: size: 0

                simplifyAssertEq( zero:match(W(1) * x), zero )
                ${0} = {0}$
                time: 0.130000ms
                stack: size: 0

                  assert( not zero:match(W{1, dependsOn=x} * x) )
                  GOOD time: 0.023000ms
                  stack: size: 0

                    simplifyAssertEq( zero:match(W(1) * x * y), zero )
                    ${0} = {0}$
                    time: 0.030000ms
                    stack: size: 0

                      simplifyAssertEq( one:match(1 + W(1)), zero )
                      ${0} = {0}$
                      time: 0.049000ms
                      stack: size: 0

                        simplifyAssertEq( one:match(1 + W(1) * x), zero )
                        ${0} = {0}$
                        time: 0.036000ms
                        stack: size: 0

                          simplifyAssertEq( one:match(1 + W(1) * x * y), zero )
                          ${0} = {0}$
                          time: 0.035000ms
                          stack: size: 0

                            how can you take x*y and match only the 'x'?

                            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W{index=2, cannotDependOn=x} * W{1, dependsOn=x})}, {x, y})
                            ${2} = {2}$
                            ${x} = {x}$
                            ${x} = {x}$
                            ${y} = {y}$
                            ${y} = {y}$
                            time: 0.263000ms
                            stack: size: 7
                            • Init
                            • Prune
                            • Expand
                            • Prune
                            • Factor
                            • Prune
                            • Tidy

                            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W{1, dependsOn=x} * W{index=2, cannotDependOn=x})}, {x*y, 1})
                            ${2} = {2}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            time: 0.540000ms
                            stack: size: 7
                            • Init
                            • Prune
                            • Expand
                            • Prune
                            • Factor
                            • Prune
                            • Tidy

                            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W{index=2, cannotDependOn=x} * W(1))}, {x, y})
                            ${2} = {2}$
                            ${x} = {x}$
                            ${x} = {x}$
                            ${y} = {y}$
                            ${y} = {y}$
                            time: 0.212000ms
                            stack: size: 7
                            • Init
                            • Prune
                            • Expand
                            • Prune
                            • Factor
                            • Prune
                            • Tidy

                            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W(1) * W{index=2, cannotDependOn=x})}, {x*y, 1})
                            ${2} = {2}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            time: 0.462000ms
                            stack: size: 7
                            • Init
                            • Prune
                            • Expand
                            • Prune
                            • Factor
                            • Prune
                            • Tidy

                            simplifyAssertAllEq({(x * y):match(W(1) * W(2))}, {x*y, 1})
                            ${2} = {2}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${{{x}} {{y}}} = {{{x}} {{y}}}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            ${1} = {1}$
                            time: 0.403000ms
                            stack: size: 7
                            • Init
                            • Prune
                            • Expand
                            • Prune
                            • Factor
                            • Prune
                            • Tidy

                            combinations of add and mul

                            for this to work, add.wildcardMatches must call the wildcard-capable objects' own wildcard handlers correctly (and use push/pop match states, instead of assigning to wildcard indexes directly?)
                            also, because add.wildcardMatches assigns the extra wildcards to zero, it will be assigning (W(2) * W(3)) to zero ... which means it must (a) handle mul.wildcardMatches and (b) pick who of mul's children gets the zero and who doesn't
                            it also means that a situation like add->mul->add might have problems ... x:match(W(1) + (W(2) + W(3)) * (W(4) + W(5)))

                            do local i,j,k = x:match(W(1) + W(2) * W(3)) assertEq(i, x) assert(j == zero or k == zero) end
                            ${x} = {x}$
                            time: 0.109000ms
                            stack: size: 0

                              cross over add and mul ... not yet working
                              local i = (x):match(W(1) + x) -- works

                              do local i = (x * y):match(W(1) + x * y) assertEq(i, zero) end
                              ${0} = {0}$
                              time: 0.138000ms
                              stack: size: 0

                                either 1 or 2 must be zero, and either 3 or 4 must be zero

                                do local i,j,k,l = x:match(x + W(1) * W(2) + W(3) * W(4)) assert(i == zero or j == zero) assert(k == zero or l == zero) end
                                GOOD time: 0.169000ms
                                stack: size: 0

                                  do local c, f = (2 * x):match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * W{2, dependsOn=x}) assertEq(c, const(2)) assertEq(f, x) end
                                  ${2} = {2}$
                                  ${x} = {x}$
                                  time: 0.094000ms
                                  stack: size: 0

                                    do local c, f = (2 * x):match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * W{2, dependsOn=x}) assertEq(c, const(2)) assertEq(f, x) end
                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                    time: 0.267000ms
                                    stack: size: 0

                                      Put the 'cannotDependOn' wildcard first (leftmost) in the mul for it to greedily match non-dep-on-x terms
                                      otherwise 'dependsOn' will match everything, since the mul of a non-dep and a dep itself is dep on 'x', so it will include non-dep-on-terms

                                      do local c, f = (2 * 1/x):factorDivision():match(W{index=1, cannotDependOn=x} * W{2, dependsOn=x}) assertEq(c, const(2)) assertEq(f, 1/x) end
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${\frac{1}{x}} = {\frac{1}{x}}$
                                      time: 2.235000ms
                                      stack: size: 8
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy
                                      • /:FactorDivision:apply

                                      do local c, f = (2 * 1/x):factorDivision():match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * W(2)) assertEq(c, const(2)) assertEq(f, 1/x) end
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${\frac{1}{x}} = {\frac{1}{x}}$
                                      time: 2.157000ms
                                      stack: size: 8
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy
                                      • /:FactorDivision:apply

                                      simplifyAssertAllEq({ (x + 2*y):match(W(1) + W(2) * y) }, {x,2})
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${x} = {x}$
                                      ${x} = {x}$
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      time: 0.820000ms
                                      stack: size: 7
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy

                                      simplifyAssertAllEq({ (x + 2*y):match(W(1) * x + W(2) * y) }, {1,2})
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      time: 0.795000ms
                                      stack: size: 7
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy

                                      simplifyAssertAllEq( {x:match( W(1)*x + W(2))}, {1, 0})
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${0} = {0}$
                                      ${0} = {0}$
                                      time: 0.461000ms
                                      stack: size: 7
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy

                                      simplifyAssertAllEq( {x:match( W(1)*x + W(2)*y)}, {1, 0})
                                      ${2} = {2}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${1} = {1}$
                                      ${0} = {0}$
                                      ${0} = {0}$
                                      time: 0.762000ms
                                      stack: size: 7
                                      • Init
                                      • Prune
                                      • Expand
                                      • Prune
                                      • Factor
                                      • Prune
                                      • Tidy


                                      do local i = (1/x):match(1 / W(1)) assertEq(i, x) end
                                      ${x} = {x}$
                                      time: 0.066000ms
                                      stack: size: 0

                                        do local i = (1/x):match(1 / (W(1) * x)) assertEq(i, one) end
                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                        time: 0.070000ms
                                        stack: size: 0

                                          do local i = (1/x):match(1 / (W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x)) assertEq(i, one) end
                                          ${1} = {1}$
                                          time: 0.086000ms
                                          stack: size: 0

                                            assert((2 * 1/x):match(2 * 1/x))
                                            GOOD time: 0.016000ms
                                            stack: size: 0

                                              do local i = (2 * 1/x):match(2 * 1/W(1)) assertEq(i, x) end
                                              ${x} = {x}$
                                              time: 0.140000ms
                                              stack: size: 0

                                                do local i = (2 * 1/x):match(2 * 1/(W(1) * x)) assertEq(i, one) end
                                                ${1} = {1}$
                                                time: 0.099000ms
                                                stack: size: 0

                                                  do local i, j = (2 * 1/x):factorDivision():match(W{1, atMost=1} * W{index=2, atMost=1}) assertEq(i, const(2)) assertEq(j, 1/x) end
                                                  ${2} = {2}$
                                                  ${\frac{1}{x}} = {\frac{1}{x}}$
                                                  time: 1.148000ms
                                                  stack: size: 8
                                                  • Init
                                                  • Prune
                                                  • Expand
                                                  • Prune
                                                  • Factor
                                                  • Prune
                                                  • Tidy
                                                  • /:FactorDivision:apply

                                                  do local a, b = (1/(x*(3*x+4))):match(1 / (x * (W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{2, cannotDependOn=x}))) assertEq(a, const(3)) assertEq(b, const(4)) end
                                                  ${3} = {3}$
                                                  ${4} = {4}$
                                                  time: 0.170000ms
                                                  stack: size: 0

                                                    do local a, b = (1/(x*(3*x+4))):factorDivision():match(1 / (W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x * x + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x)) assertEq(a, const(3)) assertEq(b, const(4)) end
                                                    ${3} = {3}$
                                                    ${4} = {4}$
                                                    time: 5.351000ms
                                                    stack: size: 9
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy
                                                    • *:FactorDivision:apply
                                                    • *:FactorDivision:apply


                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x^2):match(x^W(1))}, {const(2)})
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    time: 0.190000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy

                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x^2):match(W(1)^2)}, {x})
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    time: 0.157000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy

                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x^2):match(W(1)^W(2))}, {x, 2})
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    time: 0.148000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy

                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x):match(x^W(1))}, {const(1)})
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    time: 0.144000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy

                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x):match(W(1)^1)}, {x})
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    time: 0.072000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy

                                                    simplifyAssertAllEq({(x):match(W(1)^W(2))}, {x, const(1)})
                                                    ${2} = {2}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${x} = {x}$
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    ${1} = {1}$
                                                    time: 0.098000ms
                                                    stack: size: 7
                                                    • Init
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Expand
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Factor
                                                    • Prune
                                                    • Tidy


                                                    do local expr = sin(2*x) + cos(3*x) local a,b = expr:match( sin(W(1)) + cos(W(2)) ) print(a[1], a[2] ,b) end
                                                    $2$ $x$ ${{3}} {{x}}$ GOOD time: 0.053000ms
                                                    stack: size: 0

                                                      do local expr = sin(2*x) * cos(3*x) local a,b = expr:match( sin(W(1)) * cos(W(2)) ) print(a[1], a[2] ,b) end
                                                      $2$ $x$ ${{3}} {{x}}$ GOOD time: 0.034000ms
                                                      stack: size: 0

                                                        do local expr = (3*x^2 + 1) printbr('expr', expr) local a, c = expr:match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x}) printbr('a', a) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, c}, {3, 1}) end
                                                        expr ${{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}} + {1}$
                                                        a $3$
                                                        c $1$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        time: 0.421000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy

                                                        do local expr = (3*x^2 + 2*x + 1) printbr('expr', expr) local a, b, c = expr:match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{3, cannotDependOn=x}) printbr('a', a) printbr('b', b) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, b, c}, {3, 2, 1}) end
                                                        expr ${{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}} + {{{2}} {{x}}} + {1}$
                                                        a $3$
                                                        b $2$
                                                        c $1$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        time: 0.603000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy

                                                        do local expr = (3*x^2 + 1):factorDivision() printbr('expr', expr) local a, b, c = expr:match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{3, cannotDependOn=x}) printbr('a', a) printbr('b', b) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, b, c}, {3, 0, 1}) end
                                                        expr ${1} + {{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}}$
                                                        a false
                                                        b nil
                                                        c nil
                                                        ${1} = {3}$
                                                        expected 1 to equal 3
                                                        found $1$ vs $3$
                                                        lhs stack
                                                        Init $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Expand $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Factor $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Tidy $1$

                                                        rhs stack
                                                        Init $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Expand $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Factor $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Tidy $3$

                                                        lhs: 1=false
                                                        rhs: 1=3, 2=0, 3=1
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:125: failed
                                                        stack traceback:
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:181: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'error'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:125: in function 'simplifyAssertEq'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:168: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:167: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
                                                        [string "do local expr = (3*x^2 + 1):factorDivision() ..."]:1: in main chunk
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
                                                        match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
                                                        match.lua:6: in main chunk
                                                        [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380 14 BAD
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: failed
                                                        stack traceback:
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:246: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'error'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
                                                        [string "do local expr = (3*x^2 + 1):factorDivision() ..."]:1: in main chunk
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
                                                        match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
                                                        match.lua:6: in main chunk
                                                        [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380
                                                        time: 1.872000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy

                                                        do local expr = (3*x*x + 2*x + 1):factorDivision() printbr('expr', expr) local a, b, c = expr:match(W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{3, cannotDependOn=x}) printbr('a', a) printbr('b', b) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, b, c}, {3, 2, 1}) end
                                                        expr ${1} + {{{2}} {{x}}} + {{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}}$
                                                        a $3$
                                                        b $2$
                                                        c $1$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        time: 3.742000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy

                                                        do local expr = (1/(3*x*x + 2*x + 1)):factorDivision() printbr('expr', expr) local a, b, c = expr:match(1 / (W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{3, cannotDependOn=x})) printbr('a', a) printbr('b', b) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, b, c}, {3, 2, 1}) end
                                                        expr $\frac{1}{{1} + {{{2}} {{x}}} + {{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}}}$
                                                        a $3$
                                                        b $2$
                                                        c $1$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${3} = {3}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${2} = {2}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        ${1} = {1}$
                                                        time: 6.110000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy

                                                        do local expr = (x/(3*x*x + 2*x + 1)):factorDivision() printbr('expr', expr) local a, b, c = expr:match(1 / (W{1, cannotDependOn=x} * x^2 + W{2, cannotDependOn=x} * x + W{3, cannotDependOn=x})) printbr('a', a) printbr('b', b) printbr('c', c) simplifyAssertAllEq({a, b, c}, {3, 2, 1}) end
                                                        expr ${{x}} {{\frac{1}{{1} + {{{2}} {{x}}} + {{{3}} {{{x}^{2}}}}}}}$
                                                        a false
                                                        b nil
                                                        c nil
                                                        ${1} = {3}$
                                                        expected 1 to equal 3
                                                        found $1$ vs $3$
                                                        lhs stack
                                                        Init $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Expand $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Factor $1$

                                                        Prune $1$

                                                        Tidy $1$

                                                        rhs stack
                                                        Init $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Expand $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Factor $3$

                                                        Prune $3$

                                                        Tidy $3$

                                                        lhs: 1=false
                                                        rhs: 1=3, 2=2, 3=1
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:125: failed
                                                        stack traceback:
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:181: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'error'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:125: in function 'simplifyAssertEq'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:168: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:167: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
                                                        [string "do local expr = (x/(3*x*x + 2*x + 1)):factorD..."]:1: in main chunk
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
                                                        match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
                                                        match.lua:6: in main chunk
                                                        [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380 14 BAD
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: failed
                                                        stack traceback:
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:246: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'error'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:183: in function 'simplifyAssertAllEq'
                                                        [string "do local expr = (x/(3*x*x + 2*x + 1)):factorD..."]:1: in main chunk
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:238: in function
                                                        [C]: in function 'xpcall'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/symmath/tests/unit/unit.lua:237: in function 'exec'
                                                        match.lua:233: in function 'cb'
                                                        /home/chris/Projects/lua/ext/timer.lua:58: in function 'timer'
                                                        match.lua:6: in main chunk
                                                        [C]: at 0x57fccc30c380
                                                        time: 6.777000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy


                                                        local a = x'^i':match(Tensor.Ref(x, W(1))) simplifyAssertEq(a, Tensor.Index{symbol='i', lower=false})
                                                        ${^i} = {^i}$
                                                        time: 0.144000ms
                                                        stack: size: 7
                                                        • Init
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Expand
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Factor
                                                        • Prune
                                                        • Tidy